Reformer Pilates Benefits & How It Works for Your Body

Reformer Pilates Benefits & How It Works for Your Body

Reformer pilates is booming in popularity, but it may be a new concept to some. The benefits of reformer pilates make it a great addition to any workout plan – we use reformer in many FS8 workouts for a full body burn in without harsh impact on the joints. And you don’t need to have prior experience with reformer to reap the benefits.

Man in gym class setting instructing group of attendees

In FS8 classes, experienced trainers guide you through each movement to ensure you get an effective and energising workout regardless of your experience level. So, what is reformer pilates? Read on to learn everything you need to know.

What is reformer pilates?

To understand what reformer pilates is, first you need to know: what is a reformer? The reformer machine is an invention of pilates creator Joseph Pilates. It’s a horizontal machine that includes a sliding platform (called the carriage) and a system of springs, ropes, and pulleys to add weights and resistance.

Reformer pilates uses some similar movements to mat pilates and builds strength through slow and controlled resistance exercises. In terms of what to wear to reformer pilates, like most workout classes, it’s all about comfort – so breathable, stretchy clothing is ideal. Let’s unpack the differences between mat pilates and reformer pilates.

Reformer vs. mat pilates

The benefits of reformer pilates and mat pilates can be similar when it comes to your physical and mental health, but the method of movement differs. While mat pilates focusses on body weighted strength training, reformer pilates uses resistance-based exercises to promote muscle growth.

While both pilates styles can be useful for anyone, the reformer machine can actually be an easier first step into the training concept – especially for beginners or those working through injury. Reformer pilates may seem intimidating if you’ve never tried it before, but guided by an experienced trainer in a group workout setting, you’ll pick it up in no time. Let’s dive a little deeper into the benefits of reformer pilates.  

The benefits of reformer pilates

To get the most out of this versatile training concept, it’s good to include a mix of mat and reformer pilates in your workout plan. You might already know what pilates can do for your body, but what is reformer pilates good for specifically? 

  1. Active recovery through low impact exercise. 
  2. Strength building through resistance-based movements. 
  3. Targets the core, which can help with posture, balance and performance in other workouts.  

If your interest is piqued but you’re experiencing some gym anxiety around trying something new, find out what to expect from classes. Now, we’ll take a closer look at these reformer benefits. 

Active recovery

One of the benefits of the reformer machine is its ability to help you maintain form and posture during a workout. This can be beneficial for anyone, but it’s particularly ideal for beginners, or those who prefer to take an active approach to recovering from injury. The system of ropes, pulleys, and springs takes pressure off the joints, making reformer pilates a low impact training style that can help with active recovery and injury prevention.

Low impact doesn’t mean you can’t work up a sweat though reformer pilates can give you a full body toning workout that’s adjustable depending on your desired intensity level. For a slower paced workout, try FS8 Restore, or check out FS8 OG for something a little more energised.

Resistancebased strength training

If you want to increase strength but weights aren’t your thing, resistance training can help you reach your workout goals. Reformer pilates benefits strength building through adjusting resistance so muscles work to overcome a force. Because reformer pilates movements use a variety of muscle groups, you can get a full body workout with a focus on increasing strength and improving muscle tone.

Classes that combine different workout styles is one reason why FS8 is so innovative, so if you love cardio but want to leave the gym feeling stronger, try FS8 Remix. These classes use reformer pilates exercises and cardio training for total body conditioning that promotes muscle growth and still gives you a cardio fix.

Target the core

Pilates as an exercise concept has a focus on the core, which is a benefit in and of itself, but there are also knock-on effects. Building core strength can result in improved posture and balance and can enhance your performance in other kinds of workouts, like cardio focussed FS8 Burst. Reformer pilates benefits these physical functions through movements that work on improving physical control and stability.

If you’re looking to target the core with a high intensity reformer pilates workout, find a studio and book an FS8 OG class. With a combination of mat and reformer pilates, these classes aim to ignite all major muscle groups including the core, encouraging muscular contraction and endurance.

Loved this article and want to learn more about pilates? Check out our article breaking down how long it takes to see pilates results.

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