What is Functional Strength Training?

What is Functional Strength Training & How it Works

Functional strength exercises can help to improve mobility, fitness and muscle tone through movements you use every day. These exercises typically use multiple muscle groups – or even the whole body – to develop strength and stability that will help you with daily movements. All FS8 workouts have functional strength vales at their core – allowing you to work towards building a full range of movement, core strength and balance. But what is functional strength training good for, and how can you try it for yourself? Read on to learn more.

What is functional training good for?

The benefits of functional strength training can apply to anyone, and FS8 workouts are carefully designed to suit every individual, from beginners to gym veterans. Here are a few benefits of our full body functional workout classes:

  • Building strength
  • Improving balance
  • Increasing mobility & decreasing the likelihood of injury

1. Building strength

It’s not often we use isolated muscle groups in everyday activities, so it makes sense that full body functional workouts are a better tool for improving overall strength. If you have small children you need to lift and carry often, or you need to reach for a heavy item on a high shelf – you’re engaging your core and using multiple muscle groups. Building strength through functional exercises that emulate these movements can be of greater benefit than building isolated muscle mass. FS8 Strength workouts are a great way to work on building strength and can help improve cardiovascular endurance through high intensity, full body workouts.

2. Improving balance

Functional strength exercises can have a positive effect on your balance, which provides a host of benefits in everyday life – like improving posture, joint stability, and core strength. Good balance also helps with coordination and even contributes to injury prevention. If improving balance is one of your goals, we recommend checking out FS8 Restore functional workouts. Restore has a yoga focus and can help with flexibility and sleep quality too.

3. Increasing mobility & decreasing the likelihood of injury

Our full body functional workouts aim to assist you in everyday life by improving mobility. FS8 uses a mix of pilates, tone and yoga exercises that emulate the movements you use daily. By strengthening your muscles in the same way you regularly use them, you can heighten your range of mobility and lower the risk of injuring yourself while completing tasks. So, if everyday mobility has become harder, or you’re aiming to improve your coordination – a functional approach to exercise might be the perfect strategy for you. For a workout you can easily take at your own pace, try FS8 Hybrid or FS8 Cardio.

Functional strength exercises to try

To get you started on your functional training journey, we’ve compiled a list of 3 functional strength exercises aimed to improve mobility and strength in everyday movements. These exercises are foundational movements that are easy for beginners and still used at every difficulty stage and experience level of training.  The best part? They can be done at home at home or can be intensified at the gym with weights or heated rooms, like for hot yoga.

1. Step ups and step downs

A useful functional strength exercise for stronger legs and improving mobility in a range of everyday activities from climbing stairs to getting up off the ground.

To try this: Using the bottom step of a staircase or a workout box, plant one foot on the ground and one foot on the step. Then shift all your weight onto the heel of the upper foot. Rise up slowly, extending the grounded leg until it’s straight and bring it onto the box opposite your other foot. Then, slowly step down so that your legs end up in the opposite positions to where they started, and repeat.

2. Downward dog

Yoga can be a gentle or intense functional workout and downward dog is a fundamental yoga position you can practice at home. The position lets you support your body weight, which can help strengthen the upper body. Because your head is lower than your heart, downward dog can also help to improve blood circulation.

To try this: Start off in a plank position with your weight evenly distributed through your hands and feet. Slowly move your hips upwards to form a triangle with the ground and shift your weight into the upper body.

3. Squats

One of the most practical exercises out there, squats are a movement used to lift heavy items, get and out of cars and even to into bed every day. They are easy to do but still let you feel the burn, so squats are a perfect inclusion to your functional workout routine.

To try this: Start by standing straight with your feet firmly planted on the ground, shoulder width apart. Engage your core before slowly sending your hips backwards and bending your knees until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Then slowly stand back up, keeping your weight in the heels.


Now you know the benefits of full body functional strength workouts, find your nearest FS8 studio and plan ahead for your first class by learning what to expect.

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