Top 5 Health & Wellness Trends for 2024

Top 5 Health & Wellness Trends for 2024

The best health and wellness trends should go beyond enhancing fitness and instead take a holistic approach to wellbeing and becoming your best self. Like anything, trends in the fitness world come and go – different types of exercise can hold your interest for a while before you’re ready to try something new. So, when it comes to implementing new habits into your life, choosing wellbeing trends that suit your individual needs and goals and can provide long term benefits. Ahead, learn how to choose health trends that suit you and which 2024 wellness trends we think have potential to deliver lifelong benefits.

Choosing wellbeing trends that work for you

As science advances, there is more and more understanding about what the human body needs to function optimally – and wellness trends tend to reflect these advancements. Sorting the wheat from the chaff isn’t always easy, but health and wellbeing is not one-size-fits-all, so it’s important to carefully consider which new trends can truly benefit you and fit seamlessly into your life. Personalising your wellness ritual is one of the best things you can do to support holistic health, beyond just the physical. Health and wellness industry trends are always looking to the future of fitness, so it makes sense that you should too – consider long-term goals and habits that can help you achieve them.

health and wellness trends

What’s trending in health and wellness?

Many health and wellness trends don’t stand the test of time, but some are adopted and become lifelong habits. Here are the wellness trends of 2023 that we think will hold water for years to come.

  1. Nurturing the connection between physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.
  2. Enhancing rest by working with your circadian rhythm and natural sleep cycle.
  3. Using personalised biotech to tailor health and wellness rituals to your body and its needs.
  4. Imbedding recovery practice into training.
  5. Supporting authentic brands with values that align with yours.

Ahead, explore these trending wellness topics a little deeper and find out how to reap their benefits in your own life.

The physical, mental, and emotional connection

The physical, mental, and emotional factors of wellbeing are synergistic, meaning improving one can enhance the others and vice versa – so promoting that connection is a wellbeing trend we can get behind. The benefits of exercise on mental health and stress levels are well known, improving physical health can also increase focus, alertness, and memory. Similarly, taking time to care for your mental and emotional health can support enhanced physical performance. Nurture the connection between physical, mental, and emotional health by creating a balanced training schedule involving low impact, high energy classes like FS8 OG and mindful, yoga-focussed sessions like FS8 Restore.

Natural sleep cycles

Good sleep is now understood to be one of the most important elements of health and wellbeing, working with your circadian rhythm has become a top wellness trend in 2024 after starting in 2023. Leaning into natural sleep cycles can have a major impact on overall health, and something as small (and lovely) as watching the sunset can let the brain to know sleep is imminent. Other habits to adopt include:

  • Limit caffeine and alcohol intake
  • Spend time outside when the sun is up
  • Avoid artificial light in the hour or two before sleep
  • Wake up and go to sleep at consistent times

If you struggle to fall asleep each night, regular exercise can help tire out the body in preparation for sleep. Try a full body workout like FS8 Blast, which provides cardiovascular and muscular benefits, triggering the need for rest.

Personalised fitness through biotech

Wearable fitness devices and health tracker apps are one of the most popular health trends right now because they make it easy to tailor health and fitness rituals to your body’s needs. Biotech devices can let you see how workouts, sleep, or mood impact physical health in real time, while tracker apps allow for better understanding of individual nutrition. These tech advancements support decision making about what’s best for your body in any moment, whether it’s a yoga flow, a pacier workout like FS8 Remix, or what to eat before exercise.

Embedded recovery practice

If you’re still in the headspace of workout days and rest days, it’s time to change that. The human body is designed for daily movement, so even when you’re not hitting the gym, active recovery in the form of slow paced, gentle movement is important. In terms of health and wellness trends, the benefits of active recovery are becoming more and more celebrated, as are the positive effects of embedding recovery practice into a workout. In terms of what to expect from FS8 classes, warmups and cool downs are built into each class – which helps prepare the body for exercise and reduce muscle soreness after a workout.

Brand values in focus

Whether it’s the gym where you train, the wellness magazines you read, fitness influencers you follow, or biotech you wear – feeling good about the brands you support matters. While results will always be key to success, wellbeing trends show people want to work with or support authentic, transparent brands with similar values to their own – so, why FS8? Beyond the fact that our workouts are effective and backed by science, the supportive environment of our group fitness classes provide a sense of community at the gym. Plus, our trainers care about the individual needs of all gym-goers, tailoring exercises as needed so everyone can get the most out of each workout. Find an FS8 studio to book a class.

FS8 workouts will help you tap into all the benefits of these trends.

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