The Science Behind Pilates and Weight Loss

The Science Behind Pilates and Weight Loss 

In the past, you might not have seen pilates and weight loss in the same sentence. This is because the goal of pilates is to build functional strength to increase confidence and ease in everyday living, as opposed to the calorieburning focus of cardio intensive exercises like running, swimming or cycling. However, when you pair reformer and mat pilates with faster, dynamic movements and strength training, it becomes a powerful tool for weight loss. So, if you’re wondering whether pilates can help you lose weight, the answer is yes! 
To support weight loss, FS8 classes mix traditional mat and reformer pilates benefits with weights, activation bands and other equipment for workouts that can both be cardio intensive and full body strengthening. Below, we will explore the science behind pilates and weight loss. 

Can pilates help you lose weight? 

Pilates is a whole-body workout that can improve strength, balance, flexibility and posture. And when more dynamic movements are incorporated, it’s possible to use pilates exercise for weight loss 

In 2021, a study was done to test the efficacy of pilates on body weight.¹ It concluded that pilates could dramatically reduce body weight, and participants found more pronounced improvement with consistent and continued pilates exercise. 

One reason many consider pilates moves for weight loss is because it can be less stressful on your joints compared to other exercise. This is partly why reformer pilates can be an effective and comfortable way to lose weight. 

On top of all this, pilates helps build lean muscle mass and can increase our Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). BMR refers to the number of calories we burn while at rest. In other words, the leaner muscle we build from pilates, the more calories we burn both during exercise and at rest! 

Because FS8 workouts are high energy, low impact and feature more variation than traditional pilates, they encourage greater lean muscle development and help you kick your weight loss goals. 

Pilates and weight loss: Which type of pilates is best? 

Pilates can help you unlock your weight loss goals while building strength and an empowered belief in your body for everyday movement. That sounds great – but what type of pilates should you choose for weight loss? 

The type of pilates you do – mat or reformer influences how many calories you burn, and there are other differences that can help you understand where pilates fits into your weight loss plan too. Below, we’ll discuss the two pilates styles we use in FS8 classes to help you understand the connection between pilates and weight loss. 

pilates and weight loss

Reformer pilates 

Reformer pilates for weight loss is dynamic, including weights and weight resistance (reformer) machines. Adding more weight to pilates exercises encourages more lean muscle growth and can better activate your metabolism. Because reformer pilates includes intense, rhythmic aerobic movement of the entire body, more calories are expended. More lean muscle growth paired with greater calorie burning with reformer pilates gives more opportunity for weight loss. 

Mat pilates 

Mat pilates moves for weight loss place a stronger focus on building core strength. Movements are repetitive and can be aerobically challenging, especially when performed for a longer duration. Mat pilates focuses on using body weight as resistance, but additional weight (like light dumbbells) can be added. High frequency mat pilates helps build lean muscle, encouraging weight loss. 

FS8 studios combine reformer and mat pilates exercises, using a variety of exercise equipment to make classes dynamic, fun and never boring. Pilates moves in FS8 classes are implemented in high energy workouts, encouraging weight loss while keeping exercises low impact. 

How long does it take to lose weight from pilates 

If you’re wondering how long it takes to see pilates results, it depends on your goals, workout frequency and diet. 

In 2021, a study compared two groups of women doing reformer pilates for 12 weeks.2 The first group followed a weight loss diet, while the other didn’t. Both groups experienced weight loss and an increase in lean muscle mass, with the group following a weight loss diet losing 4kg on average after 12 weeks. 

Although both groups experienced positive results, this study shows the importance of practicing pilates exercises for weight loss regularly and backing these up with good nutrition and lifestyle habits. Weight loss is different for everyone, but you experience the best results when following a nourishing diet, keeping hydrated and getting plenty of sleep. 

Remember the above study only included reformer pilates for weight loss. FS8 classes mix reformer, mat pilates and yoga for high intensity exercise. 

FS8 pilates and weight loss 

At FS8 we have a range of workouts that can benefit you, no matter where you are on your pilates and weight loss journey. All our classes deliver different benefits for body toning, functional strength and cardio endurance. Our Hybrid class has the most focus on calorie expenditure, whereas our Strength class may give you most benefits for building lean muscle. If you’re new to FS8 classes, read our guide on what to know before your first pilates class.   

To improve weight loss results and muscle growth, we recommend doing pilates exercises for weight loss at least 3 times per week. FS8 workouts run every day, with Restore classes at the end of each week to rebuild muscle, calm the mind and support slower-paced active recovery. 

If you’re new to FS8 classes, read our guide on what to know before your first pilates class



Next, dive deeper into the relationship between nutrition and fitness.

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