What Are the Benefits of Group Training?

What Are the Benefits of Group Fitness Training?

When it comes to exercise, your body and mind thrive on variety, which is why FS8 heroes a hybrid 3-in-1 workout concept that keeps fitness fresh in a high-energy group setting. While the pandemic meant regular gym-goers had to forgo the benefits of group training for at-home sessions, group fitness is now back on – that means you can join classes once again or try it for the first time. Here are five key benefits of small group training and what you can expect to get out of the gym vs working out at home.

Group of women in group training setting.

1. Variety of workouts to keep you coming back

One of the most common barriers to maintaining regular physical activity is boredom. Many people start strong, but once their body adapts to easily repeatable training, the lack of variety sees them plateau. The benefit of small group training means you get to experience a diversity of workouts every time you join a class. Rather than passing by the same houses on your daily run, you can keep your body and your mind guessing with exciting new workout routines. FS8 is built on this concept of variety. By combining pilates, tone and yoga into group classes, you get to experience a hybrid workout that never loses its novelty – all while improving your body’s strength and flexibility.

2. A fun atmosphere and welcoming community

Another big group training benefit is the way classes are set up. Rather than expecting you to create your own exercise regimen from scratch, group sessions are designed to be fun and engaging. Beyond how good your body feels after a group training class, it’s the camaraderie of shared fitness goals that keeps you coming back time and time again. That’s why having a welcoming community of experienced trainers and peers makes it much easier to get into a healthy workout routine.

3. Trained instructors and a safe workout space

Whether you’re an experienced fitness guru or just starting out on a new health journey, gym-related injuries can happen when you least expect them. When you are doing your own thing, it’s much easier to have a lapse in concentration or continue pushing through bad form, which can lead to injuries. The benefit of group training is that classes are set up in a way that’s safe for everyone. You can expect highly skilled trainers who are experienced with each FS8 workout, so they know exactly what to look out for and they will show you the right way to complete each exercise.

4. Opportunities to learn and grow your fitness knowledge

By engaging in group classes at the gym vs working out at home, you open yourself up new experiences and a broader understanding of how to make your body perform at its optimal level. With an expert trainer guiding you through the class, you will quickly pick up lots of valuable information and grow your fitness knowledge over time. At FS8 we are focused on the transformative power of strength – both physical and mental. Our trainers demonstrate how high-intensity, low-impact cardio combines a range of aerobic movement for all-round wellness, total body conditioning and energy building.

5. Likeminded people to keep you accountable

Almost everyone has given up on an exercise regimen at one time or another. In many cases, the common denominator is that they exercised solo. But the benefits of group training are in the people. Instead of relying on just yourself to spend a pocket of free time exercising, with a group class you can build a network of likeminded individuals who you can rely on when things get hard. Sometimes life gets in the way, but with group fitness, you can support and encourage one another – simply knowing that you won’t be alone in your workout makes a real difference.

Hitting the gym vs home workout: What can you expect?

There’s no shame in being anxious about starting at new exercise regimen – everyone feels the same way! By joining a supportive community like FS8 you’ll be welcomed with open arms and guided by experienced trainers every step of the way. Unlike going solo at the gym or trying to stay consistent with workouts at home, some of the group fitness benefits at FS8 include:

  • A fantastic community: Head to your first class ten minutes beforehand to meet with your trainer, who will walk you through everything to expect.
  • Expert demonstrations: If you’ve never done pilates, tone and yoga classes before, our trainers guide you step-by-step to make sure your form is accurate, and you know how to use all the equipment.
  • Follow the screens: TVs are set up in every class to show you all the exercise movements – including warmups and cooldowns. And if you get stuck, our friendly trainers are always there to help.
  • Custom training: Once your trainer understands your current fitness level and goals, they will challenge you with appropriate weights and resistance to ensure you are making progress in every session.

Ready to see the benefits for yourself? Find your nearest FS8 studio today.

Enjoyed our guide to the benefits of group training? Next, get familiar with the benefits of exercise on mental health.

Benefits of exercise on mental health.